IMessaging offers a lot of cool features SMS messaging doesn’t. (This is true if just one person in a group message is on Android too.) If there is no available data network, messages to other iPhones will also be sent as SMS text messages, and you will be charged by your carrier, unless you have a message plan. If you are using an iPhone and you send a message to a friend on Android, it will be sent as a SMS message and will be green. IMessages only work between iPhones (and other Apple devices such as iPads). iMessages are in blue and text messages are green. This app is capable of sending both iMessage and SMS messages. IMessage is located in the default messages app on your iPhone. Sending pictures or videos over iMessage can use a lot of data very quickly. If you use WiFi, there’s no cost, but if you use your cellphone’s data, it’s deducted from your data plan. To send iMessages, you need a data plan, or you can send them over WiFi. They only work when you have an Internet connection. IMessage is Apple’s own instant messaging service that sends messages over the Internet, using your data. If you’re interested in unlimited texting, check out the latest Xfinity Mobile plans. To send text messages, all you need is a text message plan with your cellular carrier. The combination meant we could more easily send pictures, videos, and other data in our text messages, making them even more useful. Smartphones also brought us data, a connection to the Internet over that cellular network. Then, smartphones came along with their onscreen keyboards, and texting quickly became a primary form of communication. Back then, sending SMS messages was inconvenient-it required the painstaking task of inputting letters on a numeric keyboard. This type of message was called SMS, or Short Messaging Service text message. When we first started using cell phones, we could make phone calls and send messages over a cellular network. Which should I use: iMessage or text message?.
We can help you figure out what these options are and how to use them. This isn’t for looks, it’s how Apple indicates you’re sending an SMS text message (green) or an iMessage (blue). If you use an iPhone, you might wonder why some of your text messages are in a blue bubble and others are in a green bubble.